Happy New Year
Created on Wednesday, January 1, 2025
- 5555 Fan
- Accountable Ant
- Adaptable Alien
- Adventurous Astronaut
- Ambitious Angel
- Amped Aye Aye
- Bad Intentions
- Bashful Blobfish
- Be The Bigger Person
- Befuddled Burglar
- Brave Bison
- Brilliant Barb
- Bullish Bull
- Calm Clam
- Chill Chinchilla
- Clever Crocodile
- Common Sense Cow
- Competitive Clown
- Creative Crab
- Cynical Cat
- Decisive Duck
- Determined Dolphin
- Dialed In Dog
- Driven Dragon
- Empathy Elephant
- Entrepreneur Elf
- Fearless Fairy
- Gentle Giant
- Genuine Giraffe
- Gift Goat
- Gratitude Gorilla
- Gritty Ghost
- Humble Hedgehog
- Hype Horse
- Independent Inch Worm
- Innovative Impala
- Logical Lion
- Macro Micro
- Mojo Mouse
- Moral Monkey
- Notorious Ninja
- Optimistic Otter
- Patient Pig
- Persistent Penguin
- Prudent Polar Bear
- Quick Quail
- Radical Rabbit
- Self-Aware Hare
- Smooth Spider
- Sweet Swan
- Tenacious Termite
- Thoughtful Three Horned Harpik
- Very Very Very Very Lucky Black Cat
- Woke Walrus
- Vibe'n Vampire
- Slay'n Slug